Do you ever feel a bit tired of your blog?
Perhaps writing yet another post feels like a real effort.
Or maybe you’re quite enjoying writing, but your posts don’t seem to be getting so many comments and shares as they used to.
It’s easy to get stuck in a rut with blogging, producing the same types of post over and over again.
Here are ten fresh ideas to shake things up:
#1: Don’t Write a List (or Do!)
List posts are popular with bloggers and with readers for a reason:
they work! But if pretty much every post you write is “Six Ways to…” or
“Fifteen Tips on…” it’s time to try something different.
If you’ve avoided lists because you think they’re shallow or
overdone, though, give one a try — and see how it works for you and your
#2: Write a Much Shorter Post Than Usual
Sometimes, a short post can have a disproportionate impact. You might
choose to introduce a topic then open it up to your readers, or you
might want to write something completely different from usual — perhaps a
If you’re struggling to find the time to blog, or you’re feeling
burned out, short posts are also a great way to keep up some momentum
without pushing yourself too hard.
#3: Host a Guest Blogger
A fresh perspective and new voice can be great for your blog, so why not invite someone you know to contribute a guest piece?
If there’s someone who regularly comments (and has interesting things to say), they could be a great person to ask.
#4: Be Opinionated
If your posts tend to be quite fact-based and informative, try
shaking things up with an opinionated, or even controversial, take on
something in your industry.
What makes you angry? What do you disagree with other bloggers about?
Of course, you won’t want to be rude or offensive, but do state your
thoughts and ideas strongly (and back them up with evidence).
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