What is Meta Tag?
Meta elements are HTML or XHTML elements used to provide information about a Web page or a blog. Meta tags is placed in the head section of an HTML or XHTML document. Meta tag is used to specify the page author, page description, page keyword. Look at the following image. Here the description after title is what i used as meta tag in my blog.
Why is Meta Tag?
Meta Tag is important for Search Engine Optimiziation. It helps Search Engine to index your pages more accurately in their database. It makes blog more popular by increasing more traffic. If you use accurate keyword as meta tag , search engine will try to bring your pages at 1st page. Here is process how to add meta tag in the blog of your blogger. See how to edit HTML in blog?
Step 1: Login to Blogger.com then go to Dashboard.
Step 2: Go to Layout Tab.
Step 3: Go to Edit HTML tab.
You have to insert the following code.
<meta content='DESCRIPTION HERE' name='keywords'/>
<meta content='KEYWORDS HERE' name='description'/>
<meta content='AUTHOR NAME HERE' name='author'/>
DESCRIPTION HERE: Insert description of your blog or site here.
KEYWORDS HERE: Kewords that describe your blog well.
AUTHOR NAME HERE: Your name or Blogger name.
Step 4: Now find out the following line: <b:include data='blog' name='all-head-content'/>
Step 5: Now insert the meta tag after the above line.
You are done. If you still confuse , search for Meta Tag Generator.
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