Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Easy move through Powerpoint

  1. Apply subscript formatting - CTRL+EQUAL SIGN (=)
  2. Apply superscript formatting - CTRL+PLUS SIGN (+)
  3. Bold - CTRL+B
  4. Capitalize - SHIFT+F3
  5. Copy - CTRL+C
  6. Delete a word - CTRL+BACKSPACE
  7. Demote a paragraph - ALT+SHIFT+RIGHT ARROW
  8. Find - CTRL+F
  9. Insert a hyperlink - CTRL+K
  10. Insert a new slide - CTRL+M
  11. Italicize - CTRL+I
  12. Make a duplicate of the current slide - CTRL+D
  13. Open - CTRL+O
  14. Open the Font dialog box - CTRL+T
  15. Paste - CTRL+V
  16. Print - CTRL+P
  17. Promote a paragraph - ALT+SHIFT+LEFT ARROW
  18. Repeat your last action - F4 or CTRL+Y
  19. Save - CTRL+S
  20. Select all - CTRL+A
  21. Start a slide show – F5
  22. Switch to the next pane (clockwise) – F6
  23. Switch to the previous pane - SHIFT+F6
  24. Undo - CTRL+Z
  25. View guides - CTRL+G


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