Thursday, August 20, 2009

How Add Tweet Me (Twitter) Button To Each Blogger Post

How Add Tweet Me Button To Each Blogger Post,as you would have been using this twitter for sure as twitter now has gain much popularity nowadays with increase in its users and a great source of traffic for bloggers.As me too has started using it a lot and i am loving it,its really feel great when see your followers increasing.You can follow me here on twitter.
So today i will tell you on how to add tweet your post button in each blogger post.As i have previoulsy placed a tutorial on on how to add retweet button to each blogger post.And there one of the reader comment asked me to to have button not showing count,so i thought of holding post for him.
Login to your blogger.Then got To Its Layout > Edit Html > Expand Widgets
Search for this line <data:post.body/>
After finding it,Just add the below codes after it:-

<a expr:href='" " + data:post.title + " @twitter_username " + data:post.url' title='Tweet it on Twitter'><img src='http://Link_to_twitter_image'/></a>

Now just replace the red codes above with your twitter username and image link of twitter uploaded on your server.
Now save your template and you will be able to see tweet me button below each blogger post which can be tweeted by your readers.


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